Coconut Blondies!

Coconut blondies are one of our family’s ultimate quick and easy desserts! We hope you enjoy them!

Coconut Curried Shrimp Salad

So, in the summer, we opt for simple whole foods. For lunch today, I munched on some pistachios, cherries, yogurt, kale chips and a banana. Simple. Easy. Delicious. For summertime dinners, our family adores salads. Even our two year old eats her salad with gusto. So, today we are sharing a recipe for coconut-curried shrimp salad. It is one of our favorites. We hope you enjoy it too!

Root Vegetable Rendezvous

What does eating seasonally look like when the ground is buried by snow? Two words: Root vegetables. Root vegetables are all those fall crops that typically keep relatively well through most of winter. Some examples are butternut squash, onions, sweet potatoes, carrots and beets.